Upgrade of Vaisala’s LAP-12000 wind profiler in South Uist, UK (UK Met Office)
Upgrade summary
Antenna Array
- Replace 36 x 1:4 splitter cables in antenna array.
- Install flexible conduit over splitter cable tails.
- Replace antenna anti-vibration guy lines.
- Remove existing equipment racks (80kW valve transmitter, beam steering unit, T/R switches, Vaisala receiver, Vaisala power supplies, Vaisala computers and acquisition/analysis, UPS).
- Install ATRAD 40kW solid state transmitter
- Install ATRAD beam steering unit incl T/R switches and 1:6 splitter.
- Install ATRAD digital transceiver, computers (main and standby), ATRAD acquisition and analysis, network switch and UPS.
- Improved maximum height coverage to 15-17km (with half the peak output power, 80kW down to 40kW)
- Improved minimum height coverage from 1.5km to 450m
- Improved reliability and maintainability
- Significantly improved data availability
- Reduced OH&S risks by replacing high voltage transmitter
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